European Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control

IACMM Application Form



You can apply for IACMM only if you meet the prerequisites listed in the Application Process


If you prefer fill the Application offline, please, Donwnload Here the printable version and send it to eurok.fellowship@gmail.com


What does it mean to be an IACMM?


When you decide to take the journey to attain your IACMM please understand that this will involve effort and commitment on your part. Also realize that this process assumes that you have superior myopia management skills.


  • has made a serious commitment to the practice of myopia management (MM).
  • is expert in all aspects of MM including risk assessment, orthoK, soft MM lenses, pharmaceutical and behavioral interventions.
  • is the gold standard for managing myopia.


The IACMMs are an elite group of doctors who demonstrate their commitment to MM thru lectures, creating webinars, setting standards of care, educating the public and mentoring other practitioners.




Myopia Management experience




Send a motivation letter to eurok.fellowship@gmail.com

Please provide a one page document detailing why you wish to pursue an IACMM and what you plan to do for the Academy after attaining your certification.


If accepted for candidacy, I understand:

  • If I fail any portion of the test, I may repeat the test once at no change but if I fail twice I must reapply and pay a new fee.
  • If I do not pass any portion of the testing I have two years I have two years from the application date to attain a passing score or I will need to reapply and pay the full application fee again.
  • I certify that the answers I have provided in the above application are accurate and truthful. I understand that if I have provided any false information, I will be banned from sitting any Accreditation exam.
  • II understand that as part of the application process, my professional background will be investigated through the use of a colleague interview, social media, etc. I give my permission for this to occur.
  • I certify that I have:
  1. Been a continuous member of a IAOMC Section, In this case EurOK, for at least one year
  2. I will have to continue to be member to EurOK and renew annually my membership in order to maintain the certification and use the title.
  3. I have access to a biometer