European Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control

IACMM Application Form



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You can apply for IACMM only if you meet the prerequisites listed in the Application Process


If you prefer fill the Application offline, please, Donwnload Here the printable version and send it to eurok.fellowship@gmail.com


What does it mean to be an IACMM?


When you decide to take the journey to attain your IACMM please understand that this will involve effort and commitment on your part. Also realize that this process assumes that you have superior myopia management skills.


  • has made a serious commitment to the practice of myopia management (MM).
  • is expert in all aspects of MM including risk assessment, orthoK, soft MM lenses, pharmaceutical and behavioral interventions.
  • is the gold standard for managing myopia.


The IACMMs are an elite group of doctors who demonstrate their commitment to MM thru lectures, creating webinars, setting standards of care, educating the public and mentoring other practitioners.