Section's Regulation
1. A minimum number of 5 members may decide to create a National/Regional Section
2. Foundation of the section has to be proposed to the Board of Directors
3. Members of the Section must be member of EurOK
4. National/Regional Section must have a common language
5. The members of the Section vote for a Coordinator or representative
6. Members of the Section have to pay annual membership fee to EurOK and stay active.
7. Once a practitioner become member of EurOK, data of the new member is given to the National/Regional Section for management
8. Membership in more than one EurOK Section is not allowed
9. A Section can have members of other Countries if speaking the same language and number of the other Country is less than 5 members.
10. Any dispute regarding management of the Section will be considered and discussed by EurOK’s Board of Directors
1. Mission of the Section is to promote the Science of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control in the Area
2. Activities have to be promoted for the interest of the members and for the purpose of attracting other practitioners with same interests
3. Adapt EurOK Protocol and recommendation to the professional reality of the Country
4. Organize a meeting/workshop/update every 2 years in alternation with biannual EurOK’s European Meeting
5. Promote Fellowship among its members
6. Every activity made by the Section, involving EurOK’s name or logo, must be announced and detailed at EurOK’s Headquarter to be approved.
7. It is to be avoided to:
- act in any way that discredits EurOK and IAO
- have evident conflit of interests in commercial activities
1. Coordinator is elected by casting secret ballot at EurOK’s Annual Assembly Meeting or by proxy (posting ballot) to EurOK Headquarters
2. Coordinator/Representative elected by simple majority of votes
3. Coordinator may have a Vice-Coordinator and a Committee of maximum 3 members
4. Elected for a period of 2 years
5. Coordinator cannot be one of the members of the Board of Directors
6. Representative/Coordinator must not have conflit of interests. BoD may/will overview.
7. Representative report every activity in the Section to the Headquarter to be approved
8. Representative report annually at the BoD or at the General Assembly about its performed activities
1. Must be in accordance with the law of the Country
2. Budget made by Coordinator and Committee
3. Must be reported to and approved by EurOK Secretary and BoD.
4. Must be open and transparent for all members of the Section
5. National/regional Section may have funds
6. National/Regional Section can have its own bank account and budget (if the Section is registered in the Country)
7. National/regional Section can use EurOK’s bank account and budget. In this case the National/Regional Section has a sub-account and sub-budget which cannot be used by EurOK Headquarter without approval of the National Representative