European Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control
Membership designed by members for members.


EurOK by promoting excellence in the field of orthokeratology and corneal reshaping for refractive errors, supports  its members professionally and educationally. Becoming a member of this prestigious, internationally renowned organization you can  be informed  throughout the year on all aspects of research, manufacture and developments in the field of contact lenses and the anterior eye – all at an affordable price to suit your needs.Take advantage of being part of a prestigious internationally renowned organisation and stay informed throughout the year on all aspects of research, manufacture and developments in the field of orthokeratology for an affordable price.
What are the benefits of membership?
  • Membership of the Academy is the way colleagues, patients and the public can recognise your professional status, your commitment to the Academy's aims and to the continuous development of your skills, knowledge and understanding. Membership is open to individuals, organisations and students.
  • Fellowship (FIAO) - a Fellow is someone whom the Academy has recognised has having made a significant contribution to the practice of orthokeratology. This prestigous award is an acknowledgment of commitment to the profession, experience and accomplishments.
  • Academy events: Members benefit from discounts to Academy events - high quality training and development opportunities tailored to meet members’ current and emerging needs. Events range from round-table discussions to clinical skills workshops.
  • Bi-Annual conference: The Academy's  conference provides excellent learning, networking and social opportunities. A space for people to come together to discuss, debate and disseminate the latest research and innovations and make new friends and contacts.
  • Find a Specialist Area:Chance to list yourself in the "Find a Specialist" area with 3 different addresses.
  • Member Tools: In the member area you can find some exclusive tools as Bootcamp, Protocols, Exlusive Videos.
Categories of Membership


  • Ordinary Members: practitioners living in Europe or in Countries bordering Europe as well as bordering the mediterranean sea.
  • Student: full time students in optometry or ophthalmology or opticianry may apply in this section with a reduced fee (till age 25).
  • Senior: age over 70 years
  • Honorary Members: this membership may be conferred on individuals whom the Board of Directors considers worthy of this privilege on the ground of outstanding contributions  in the field of interest of EurOK.