Accademia Europea di Ortocheratologia e Controllo della Miopia
About EurOK
EurOk supports its members by promoting professional expertise in orthokeratology and myopia control with education and training.

As a member of this world-renowned organization, you can keep up-to-date with all aspects of research and development in the field of OrthoK contact lenses and myopia control with a reasonable membership fee. .

EurOk is the only European association of ophthalmologists and optometrists focused on orthokeratology and the management of myopia (short-sightedness) in children and adolescents.
EurOK is for optometrists, opticians and ophthalmologists:
  • Those who are new to orthokeratology and looking for the basics informations.
  • Those who are looking for the best strategies to control and correct myopia.
  • Who is looking for updates in orthokeratology.
  • Those who are interested in professional education and training with international experts.
  • Those who want to have direct contact with the leading manufacturers of contact lenses.
Our Mission
  • Support expertise in orthokeratology and myopia control.
  • Development and dissemination of scientific knowledge in orthokeratology, defining a common standard protocol and guidelines for the clinical work of European members.
  • Collect, evaluate, and spread new and relevant research results in the field of myopia control and clinical orthokeratology.
  • Providing courses and workshops for education and training..
  • Serves as a scientific reference for other academic and health organizations.
  • Promotes the benefits of modern contact lens designs for vision correction to the patients.


Become part of the community


As a member of the Academy you will receive free newsletters, reduced congress fees and the possibility of listing in our online specialist search