3rd IAO Meeting
International Academy of Orthokeratology Asia(IAOA) is honored to host the 3rd IAO Meeting in Shanghai, March 27th to 30th 2014. (Read More)
The CIAO 2014 will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major disciplines of orthokeratology and specialty contact lenses. This event will feature recent updates from leading clinical and academic experts in the field, in the form of lectures and posters. The CIAO 2014 will be unique in promoting the clinical application of state-of-the-art orthokeratology and specialty contact lens, combining basic research in contact lenses with patient care. A number of distinguished speakers will be invited to deliver keynote lectures at the conference. It will provide a venue for leading researchers, clinicians, lens designers and other associated professionals to present and exchange the latest important developments in this field. An outstanding scientific program combined with a great social program will make CIAO 2014 a unique opportunity for all participants.