Accademia Europea di Ortocheratologia e Controllo della Miopia




Who is a FIAO?

EurOK is the leading Academy of Orthokeratologists in Europe, formed to support, promote and advance Orthokeratology by providing quality education and scientific information on the subject of Orthokeratology and Myopia Copntrol to all its members.  Fellowship status in EurOK is determined by doctor experience and expertise and follows a rigorous case evaluation and testing procedure.  Those Orthokeratologists who achieve Fellowship status are committed to adhering to the highest standards of care in this specialty.


  • The FIAO (Fellow of the International Orthokeratology Academy) is the Gold standard for practitioners of Orthokeratology. 
  • A Fellow of the Academy (FIAO) possess and demonstrate the highest level of knowledge, ethics and patient care with respect to the practice of Orthokeratology. 
  • Fellows serve as mentors and role models for new Ortho-K doctors. 
Reasons to become a Fellow
  • You are viewed as an Ortho-K authority/expert by patients researching Ortho-K on the internet.
  • You have a distinctive listing on the AAOMC, IAO and OrthoKDoctors.com websites.
  • The study/preparation process hones your Ortho-K skills and broadens your knowledge.
  • Your patients will see the FIAO after your name and inquire, giving you and your staff the opportunity to promote Ortho-K to them and their friends. 
  • When your IAO colleagues (nationally and Internationally) need to refer a relocating patient, they will chose you as you are viewed as an expert. 


FIAO Testing Protocol 2017

While the candidates will learn and grow from the testing process, its primary mission is not education.  It is certifying the candidate as “expert” in the field of Ortho-K.


What skills are necessary to attain a fellowship in the International Academy of Orthokeratology (FIAO)?


Understand the function of every curve used to design an Ortho-K mold:

  • Be able to demonstrate how and why one would manipulate each of the curves of an Ortho-K mold when designing and troubleshooting
  • If your manufacturer of choice does not allow manipulation of all curves, you must still be able to demonstrate your ability to alter a fit on a theoretical lens by modifying the various parameters

Topographic maps: 

  • Possess comprehensive knowledge of every type of topographic map
  • Understand which maps you would choose (and why) in pre-fit, post-fit analysis and troubleshooting

Complex designs:

  • Have the skills to design treatment or troubleshoot challenging cases such as high myopia, high astigmatism, limbus-to-limbus astigmatism, high or low eccentricity, resistant cornea, decentered treatment, etc. (see list below)
  • You must be able to present complex cases that highlight your advanced skills


  • Fit using fully modifiable software or a minimum of two Ortho-K manufacturers
  • If your preferred manufacturer is not fully modifiable, be able to explain what can and cannot be modified as well as what you would predict was modified with the proprietary changes


  • Be able to troubleshoot a case and anticipate problems with outcome before you design (including myopia control
  • Recognize all treatment complications, their causes and remedies.



  • 1.] Submit application
  • 2.] Attend advanced fitting seminar
  • 3.] Pass written test
  • 4.] Pass mentor led exam
  • 5.] Pass oral exam


1.]  Submit Application


  • Must be a continuous ordinary member of the IAO for two years
  • Must have attended one of the IAO section meetings within the last 3 years
  • Must be recommended by an FIAO
  • Must have fit at least a total of 100 Ortho-K patients and provide documentation (from manufacturer, ledgers, etc.)
  • Must be able to perform Ortho-K with a minimum of 2 different manufacturers (if empirical or from fitting set) OR order lenses using a software that allows each parameter to be fully modifiable
  • Must possess the advanced skills listed above
  • If the candidate is a member of the IAOA, they must hold the rank of SIAOA (senior member of the IAOA) before they may apply to take the FIAO test.


  • If you feel you meet the requirements, carefully fill and submit the Application Form
  • SFC (Section Fellowship Chair) will make selection based on most-qualified and testing spots available.  Priority will be given to in-section candidates.
  • If selected, SFC will provide candidate with study materials and proceeds to step 2          
  • If not selected may apply at next testing opportunity



2.]  Attend the Advanced Ortho-K Fitting seminar

Offered at the section’s next scheduled annual meeting


3.]   Written Test

Post-seminar written exam is delivered to those who have attended the seminar

Pass with minimum score of 90% 

  • Advance to mentor led exam-MLE
  • Must submit cases to mentor no later than 1.5 years from written exam date

Score is less than 90%

  • Must attend course when it is offered again
  • Pass test with a minimum score of 90%
  • Allowed one re-test at no charge
  • If candidate fails a second time, must submit a new application and pay full fee again

4.]  Mentor-led exam (MLE)


Submit practice case #1 and receive detailed feedback from mentor

Submit cases 2 and 3 by deadline

  • If cases are not prepared adequately or not of sufficient complexity you will be required to submit different cases or make repairs by deadline
  • Mentor-led Skype exam arranged

Pass with minimum score of 90%

  • Advance to oral panel exam OPE
  • Cases for oral exam must be submitted no later than 1.5 years

Score is less than 90%

  • Provided with extensive feedback
  • Assigned a new mentor
  • Must submit two new cases for MLE but not eligible to continue with current year’s testing opportunity
  • A fee of €150 is required to retake this portion of the exam
  • May only retake MLE once.  If candidate fails again, they must re-apply
  • MLE must be undertaken at next testing opportunity (If this is impossible negotiate with SFC)


  • Cases must be submitted that are interesting and of sufficient complexity to demonstrate their fellowship-quality fitting skills.
  • The mentor will determine if the cases qualify and may request additional cases until the submitted cases are of sufficient complexity and preparation. 
  • If the lens is ordered empirically, the first lens must be considered a “trial” lens.  Candidate must be able to assess and document fitting characteristics.
  • A case review will not be scheduled until the case data are presented in good order.
  • Here is a list of categories for complex cases which MAY qualify:

Submit cases 4 and 5 to SFC

Section Fellowship Chair will evaluate cases for complexity. 

If quality is good for exam, proceed to schedule oral exam panel.

If insufficient , one of two options exist

  • Request new case(s)  if time permits
  • Cases must be submitted at next testing opportunity.
  • Not eligible to continue with current year’s testing opportunity.

Final, definitive cases should be submitted no later than 2 months prior to exam

Oral Panel will:

  • Consist of a minimum of 3 FIAOs
  • One should be from outside the candidate’s section
  • Held at the section’s annual meeting
  • Format will be decided by the SFC
  • Pass with minimum score of 90%

Score is less than 90%

  • New cases must be submitted for next testing opportunity (If timing is not possible negotiate with SFC)
  • A fee of €150 is required to resubmit cases
  • May only retake OPE once.  If candidate fails again, must reapply.



  • The test is given in written English or Chinese.  If you do not speak either of these, you may bring an interpreter or use Google Translate.
  • The interpreter must be approved prior to the test and cannot be a doctor familiar with orthoK.
  • If Google translate is used, the proctor must be present each time it is accessed.


FIAO Maintenance Requirements


  • Must be renewed for current year by 31/01/20XX
  • If you forget about it, you will be romoved from the website. You will have time till 31/03/20XX to renew membership.
    • After 31/03/20XX you will loose your FIAO statement
    • Fee for reinstatement (80 € + cost of dues)
    • Must pay all back dues


Ortho-K Promoting Activities:  3 of the following in two years

  • Attend section meeting (even if not your own section)  
  • Mentor an FIAO candidate
  • Sit on a final oral FIAO testing committee panel
  • Participate actively in the newbie mentor program
  • Publish an Ortho-K article in a peer reviewed journal
  • Lecture on Ortho-K at a professional meeting (excludes presentation on behalf of a vendor)
  • Lecture on Ortho-K at an educational institution
  • Actively participate in the IAO or section Google group or Ortho-K social media (minimum of 3 educational postings/month)
  • Other:  If you are promoting the IAO or your section in some other manner (that is not simply self-promotion) contact your chair to determine if this qualifies



  • Both categories must be met at the end of 2017, 2019, 2021, etc. (i.e. every two years) . 
  • All documentation must be submitted by December 31st of the deadline year to your Section Fellowship Committee Chair
  • Failure to renew membership will result in removal from website
  • Failure to provide maintenance documentation will result in
    • The prominent FIAO designation being removed from the section and IAO website
    • Name removed from FIAO search (not practitioner search)
  • Reinstatement of designation will occur once
  • The required points are achieved
  • The reinstatement fee of €150 is paid


Application Form




To apply you need to fill in the Application Form.