Accademia Europea di Ortocheratologia e Controllo della Miopia

Agenda Lausanne Myopia Mangement Day



09.00 - 10.30

Global context of Myopia Understanding emmetropisation and axial length growth
Pathophysiology of myopia
Prevent the onset: risk’s analysis
Environment as a factor of optical stimulation
Working distance
Intensity of near task
Ambient/outdoor lighting
Pre-myopic Profile


10.30 - 11.00 - COFFE BREAK


11.00 - 12.30

Optimization of refractive and Binocular vision examination
The diagnosis of visual dysfunctions in MM
Monitoring evolution with Biometry

Sponsor Time


12.30 - 14.00 - LUNCH


14.00 - 17.30

The Interventions
Visual Hygiene-lifestyle
Ophthalmic lenses

Sponsor Time

Soft Contact lenses for MM

Sponsor Time

Orthokeratology conventional & MC

Sponsor Time

Update on low dose atropine